Your Wintertime Skin Health Checklist

Goat Milk Soap Healthy Skin
Your Wintertime Skin Health Checklist


Finding natural ways to take care of your skin is especially important during winter. The colder months can be brutal on skin. Thanks to indoor heating, your skin can become painfully dry and chapped, even during wetter winters.

Luckily, with a little preparation and a few tweaks to your daily habits, you can keep your skin comfortable and looking great all season long! At Southern Natural, we offer handmade goat’s milk soap, goat's milk lotion, and other skincare products to help you soothe skin conditions and enjoy feeling smooth and healthy all year long. Let's look at how you can use our products and pair them with healthy habits and precautions to minimize winter's bite on your skin. Before you know it, spring will be here, and with some care, you can enjoy smoother, clearer, brighter skin than ever before. 

Avoid Inflammation 

Flushed, red skin and general ruddiness are harder to avoid during cold months than at any other time in the year. With coats coming on and off and your skin experiencing dramatic temperature changes, controlling your skin’s inflammation and redness is the key to optimal skin health in the wintertime. Here are a few ways to reduce skin redness:

Wear layers.
It’s tempting to bundle up in your thickest socks and biggest coat when temperatures drop below freezing. Once you're inside, though, you may become warm and flushed. Multiple layers of clothing can make it easier to control your body’s temperature and avoid flushing from being too cold or too hot. 

Go light on desserts.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's are times of delicious foods, including some of the best desserts of the year. Try to avoid overindulging too much. Many of the most common ingredients found in desserts, such as sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, refined carbs, and artificial trans fats are all notorious exacerbators of skin redness.


Cut back on alcohol and cigarettes.

In addition to the myriad other ways that alcohol and tobacco can harm your health, they both dry out your skin, cause inflammation, and affect your sleep quality. During the stress of the holidays, your skin truly needs the natural restorative benefits of sleep. 


Moisturize & Hydrate With Nourishing Goat's Milk Products

Dry skin is just a part of life in the winter. While it may seem counterintuitive to be battling dry skin at a time of year when many areas of the country see their highest levels of precipitation, humidity levels are actually at their lowest in winter, meaning your skin is exposed to air that’s drier than it is in the summertime. Luckily, regularly hydrating and moisturizing your skin is easier than you’d think!

This is where our goat’s milk soap holds the most value. Unlike the types of soaps you’ll find at supermarkets, goat’s milk soap contains many natural nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that nourish, hydrate, and moisturize the skin. While natural soaps contain these ingredients, name-brand soap producers often remove these nourishing materials during the production process. They then turn them into moisturizers and creams, so they can sell you the cure for the problem their soap causes. Washing with goat’s milk soap is like applying soap and moisturizer at the same time! 

If it sounds confusing or too good to be true, check out our Benefits Of Goat’s Milk Soap page to learn more about what makes us so passionate about this unique type of soap!


Learn More


We’re proud to offer a variety of all natural goat's milk soaps and lotions. Browse our online store to find your favorite scent!



Check Out Our Goat’s Milk Soap



Don’t Skimp On Sun Protection

Although there are fewer hours of sunlight in winter, it's still important to protect your skin all year round. Remember your sunscreen, sunglasses, and other precautions when you’re outdoors. Sun exposure is just as threatening to your skin during winter as it is in the summer, and can sometimes be even more harmful. When you're used to being indoors and your skin is chapped or dry, the sun’s UV rays can be especially damaging. Depending on where you live, you may also have snow or fewer leaves to absorb the sun's rays. In mountainous regions, the sun is harsher on your skin than in areas closer to sea level. 


Use Natural Lip Balm

An area of the skin that is often overlooked is your lips! We proudly offer a variety of flavors of lip balm that can keep your lips protected from drying out or being burned by the sun. It’s always good to have a stick of lip balm on hand in the winter — after all, you don’t want your New Year’s kiss to feel leathery, do you? 



Explore Our Lip Balms



Treat Your Skin

Your skin deserves a little TLC every now and then to truly look its best. You could take a spa day or get a facial… or you could bring the spa to the comfort of your own home with our Dead Sea Bath Salt Therapy! Dead Sea Salt is filled with minerals and nutrients that your skin needs. Our bath salts let you take a luxurious soak that replenishes and softens your skin -any time you want! 


Indulge In Skin Enrichment


Double Down On Healthy Skin Habits

Many of the things we love most about winter — the colder, cozier weather, the Thanksgiving feasts and Christmas treats — can also be skin stressors. That’s why in winter, it’s helpful to double down on the healthy habits to pamper and treat your skin with care. There are many habits you can incorporate into your routine to achieve healthier skin, including: 

Establishing a consistent sleep schedule with at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night is the best thing you can do for your skin. 

Avoiding overeating
Avoiding overeating, and avoiding processed meats can help you reduce the likelihood of acne or other cosmetic skin concerns. 

Exercising regularly
Exercising regularly can help counteract the impact that increased sedentary activity and larger meals can have on your health. 

Washing your faceWashing your face before bed and exfoliating your skin regularly will help prevent your skin from getting too oily. It will appear brighter, healthier, and break out less often.



    Commit To Healthier, More Comfortable Skin 

    The most important thing for your skin during wintertime is to simply pay more attention to it! Between the drier air, fuller plates at the dinner table, and other factors, winter is a tough time of year for your skin. Anything you do to soothe it or ease its burden will make a difference you can both see and feel. 

    If you’re ready to start washing smarter and treat your skin to the nourishment it deserves, browse our store and treat yourself or someone you love to luxurious goat's milk soap, goat's milk lotion, Dead Sea salt bath, and natural lip balm today!


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